About the portal


Gender is an important variable that systematically structures a person’s economic and social position and prospects in society. It describes attitudes, roles and responsibilities assigned to males and females, that often result in different opportunities and behavior for both men and women. The concept of gender emerged out of the study of social dynamics between the sexes, hence the expression “gender dynamics”. Gender aspects are determined by society and vary within and between societies.

The aspects are dynamic and usually influenced by cultural, economic, political and environmental factors. Hence, the different roles men and women create differences in need as well as access to and control over resources.

The trend of mainstreaming gender in statistics development evolved since the 1995 Beijing Declaration at the Beijing Platform for Action (BPfA) and has continued to expand and entrench itself in various development frameworks and policies at international, continental and national level. Some of these include: the 1985 Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), the 1987 International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, the 1995 International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the 1986 Convention against Torture, the 1990 Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Agenda 2030 on Sustainable Development, Africa Agenda 2063 and the National Development Plan (NDP), to mention but a few. All these require data to measure progress towards the country’s commitment on gender equality and women’s empowerment.

Overall, efforts related to policy formulation and programme design, implementation and monitoring require detailed, reliable and timely gender statistics. Uganda is part of the global framework and is expected to respond and adhere to all international resolutions Principles, Standards and Classifications at international level meant for statistics.

Empirical evidence shows that Uganda has made efforts to implement the actions recommended in the Beijing Platform of Action, objective H3 through increased sex disaggregation of data, improved analysis of data from a gender perspective and identification of gaps in statistical products. The Plan for National Statistical Development (PNSD) is Uganda’s framework for strengthening statistical production and development in the National Statistical System (NSS).

The PNSD, and Uganda Bureau of Statistics (UBOS) Strategic Plan underscore the need for gender statistics and gender and equity responsive statistics in all census, survey and administrative data reports. The current initiatives to mainstream gender in UBOS notwithstanding, more work needs to be done to attain a gender responsive National Statistical System (NSS). UBOS has made great strides in mainstreaming gender in the organization, and promoting the production and use of gender statistics in the NSS, as a whole.

The National Priority Gender Equality Indicators (NPGEIs)

The Uganda Bureau of Statistics (UBOS) as the agency coordinating the development and maintenance of the NSS in collaboration with Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) developed the National Priority Gender Equality Indicators (NPGEIs). The NPGEIs are intended to guide development and production of gender responsive indicators in the country. The NPGEIs are aligned to the NDP, Sector Development Plans (SDPs) and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The NPGEIs are presented by sector and categorized by tiers. The categories of tiers are based on the availability of data and methodology as follows;

  • Tier I: Indicators with available methodology and data.
  • Tier II: Indicators with available methodology but data is not being produced.
  • Tier III: Indicators with neither methodology nor data.

Here is how to get in touch with us:

  • Address: Statistics House, Plot 9 Colville Street
  • Posta: P.O. Box 7186, Kampala
  • Phone: +256 414 706000
  • Email: ubos@ubos.org
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Gender Statistics Portal


Gender Activities: View in the table below, gender activities and their descriptions.

Activities Description

We started data collection for VAWG survey on 26th October 2020 across the country with 16 teams undertaking the quantitative module and 15 undertaking the qualitative module.


UBOS in partnership with the Justice Law and Order Secretariat with funding from UN Women initiated a programme to strengthen mechanisms for collection of Gender Based Violence (GBV) data in the Justice Law and Order Sector (JLOS) under the Governance, Security Programme in the National Development Plan III. Priority was given to six core institutions that generate the crime and criminal Justice Statistics namely; the Uganda Police Force, the Judiciary, DGAL, Directorate of Public Prosecution and Remand Homes. The strengthening mainly focused on three aspects namely.

  • i. Reviewing data collection systems (including collection and reporting tools;
  • ii. Data Management Systems;
  • iii. Capacity needs assessments and
  • iv. Capacity Building Trainings for the data managers with the institutions.

This activity has greatly benefited from wide consultations with the data producers, users, the Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) including the Development Partners among others.


The Sustainable Development Agenda has been integrated into the NDPIII and therefore, monitoring and reporting mechanisms of SDGs implementation follows the existing arrangements under the PNSD III which is aligned to the NDP III.

The coordination and harmonization of data production for SDG reporting and monitoring is done through the SDG data Technical Working Group (TWG) which is one of the five Working Groups under the SDG Coordination Framework developed and being implemented by the SDG Secretariat in the Office of the Prime Minister.

The main purpose of the Data TWG is indicator prioritization, ensuring data availability, bridging existing data gaps and finding solutions for factors hindering production of quality data from surveys, censuses and administrative data in NSS.

The SDG data TWG with support from Government of Uganda and development partners including UN Women has registered key achievements including:

  • i. Operationalized the SDG data TWG in November 2018 and conducts quarterly meetings to truck progress by the TWG and lay strategies for improvement of production of SDG indicators.
  • ii. Developed a national SDG indicator framework with 201 indicators that are relevant to Uganda’s situation.
  • iii. Mapped the 201 SDG indicators to the different MDAs and CSOs within the National Statistical System that are responsible for their production and reporting on them to the Bureau.
  • iv. To inform the 2020 VNR for Uganda, the Bureau updated the national SDG Indicator framework raising the number of indicators with data from 45 to 92 indicators. This was done in collaboration with SDG Secretariat and support from UNDP.
  • v. Supported the production of the 2020 Voluntary National Review report by making available quality data.
  • vi. Adopted the Open Data Portal on Africa Information High Way as the official national dissemination portal for SDG indicators. The platform is accessed on http://uganda.opendataforafrica.org/sdg
  • vii. Developed a 5 year road map with strategies for improving the production of Tier I and II indicators. The strategies cover the period 2020/21-2024/25.


The Plan for National Statistical Development (PNSD) is a framework for strengthening statistical production capacity across the National Statistical System (NSS) to support results-based management. It is an integrated framework within which different stakeholders generate, disseminate and use statistics to meet their individual and other users’ needs. In addition, it provides a sound basis for planning and decision making in statistical development.

The bureau is collaboration with MDAs and HLGs developed and implemented the second Plan for National Statistical Development (PNSD II) aligned to NDP II. The PNSD II expired in June 2020 and the Bureau with support from Government of Uganda, African Development Bank and Un Women developed the Third Plan for National Statistical Development (PNSD III) aligned to the third National Development Plan (NDP III).

The Third Plan for National Statistical Development (PNSD III) 2020/21-2024/25, presents the strategic direction and Thrust of the National Statistical System (NSS) for the next five years. It addresses the growing and unparalleled data demand from vast development agenda at local government, national, regional, continental and international level. At local government level for tracking service delivery, while at national level for tracking the achievement of the Vision 2040 and related National Development Plan (NDP) objectives, then at the East African Community (EAC) level, the Vision 2050, Africa Agenda 2063 at continental level, and finally Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) among others.


PNSD III Vision: A World Class National Statistical System
PNSD III Mission: To provide quality statistics and statistical services to support national and international development agenda


  • i. To Strengthen coordination, cooperation and partnerships in the NSS
  • ii. To increase statistical capacity in the NSS
  • iii. To Strengthen systems for data production and development in the NSS
  • iv. To enhance dissemination, uptake and use of statistics.
Satelite Accounts

UBOS is conductiing a survey on valuatuion of unpaid household work and care services. It is a preliminary survey and the instruments have been developed. The aim of the survey is to get rates to apply on the Time Use survey to attach value to the time spent on the household work and care services.